You're clothing shopping; for some of us this is an awkward experience in itself. Perhaps you can't find your size. You decide to do the logical thing and ask one of the store's employees if they can assist you. "Excuse me, do you have this in a size 6 by any chance?" Upon asking, you receive a very dirty look, the type that puts nervous butterflies (more like wasps) in your stomach. "I don't work here", is the mistaken employee's agitated response. Your reaction should be to get out of there asap! Not only have you just revealed your size to a complete stranger, you've most likely also embarrassed them and yourself. A curt, "Oh, I'm sorry!" will suffice, anything more just adds to the awkwardness. This can be equally as awkward if it is you being mistaken for a salesperson. Here you are, just minding your own business, trying to get your shopping done. I'm sorry, do I look like a Wal-Mart employee? Am I wearing one of those navy blue vests? No. And after I inform you politely that I do not work here, please do not try to start up a conversation. Yes, I'm aware that this is a nice store, oh that's interesting that you need new glasses, please stop talking to me, WHY ARE YOU STILL TALKING TO ME. Just respect the awkwardness, and walk away.
Remember, the degree of awkwardness of this situation can be reduced greatly by the way you handle things. Just be polite and get out of there!
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